Does A.A.I. represent all the acupuncturists of the country?
No there are some acupuncturists who still are not members of the A.A.I., but A.A.I. wants fraternity with all Acupuncturists of the country.
Does acupuncture spreads HIV infection or Hepatitis infection through needle ?
No. It is totally secure as all the patients are treated with separate sets of sterilized needles.
Is A.A.I. an organization only for doctors?
No. All non-acupuncturist, acupuncture enthusiasts can be Associate Members of A.A.I.
Is acupuncture painful?
No it's not at all painful in expert hands. Needling produces an acupuncture sensation called Dagi.
Is it true that if acupuncture fails us other system works?
No it is totally false. Actually patients come for acupuncture after failing in other treatment practices. So it is corroborated in the way.
What is A.A.I.?
Acupuncture Association of India (AAI) was established in 1977 under the leadership of Dr. Bejoy Kumar Basu, the founder of acupuncture therapy in India. It was the first endeavour to assemble acupuncture practitioners of India in to an organisation. AAI has its membership spread all over India. AAI is the founder member society of World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies whose chief patron is World Health Organisation.
What is the function of the A.A.I. website?
It is the communication interface of the A.A.I. Through it A.A.I. wants to spread its activities to more and more people. So that more awareness grows amongst people regarding acupuncture.