About Us

Our Philosophy

Acupuncture therapy was introduced to India in 1959. Acupuncture Association of India (AAI) was established in 1977 under the leadership of Dr. Bejoy Kumar Basu, the founder of acupuncture therapy in India. It was the first endeavour to assemble acupuncture practitioners of India in to an organisation. AAI has its membership spread all over India. AAI is the founder member society of World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies whose chief patron is World Health Organisation.

A.A.I. has been trying for government’s recognition of Acupuncture therapy for the last thirty years. We met and gave deputation to Health authorities including Health Ministers of different states along with our local bodies for its recognition in different states. With the efforts of AAI government acupuncture clinic was set up by West Bengal government in 1987 at Kolkata. Later, West Bengal government set up the first government institute of acupuncture in 1990 named     Dr. B.K.Basu Memorial Research and Training Institute of Acupuncture. Also, the West Bengal government gave legal recognition to Acupuncture therapy through The West Bengal Acupuncture System of Therapy Act, 1996. Consequently, Council of Acupuncture Therapy, West Bengal was set up to give registration certificates to practising acupuncturists and to allow Diploma in Acupuncture Therapy (three and half years course) and Certificate in Acupuncture course (200 hours for doctors).

A.A.I. has taken an active part in National Co-ordination Committee for Acupuncture formed with the active participation of Acupuncturists from different parts of India in the year 2009. Padmashree Dr. Raman Kapur was the convener of the Committee.

Acupuncture is a time honoured method treatment being practised for thousands of years. It has its own theory developed by observation of different phenomenon of Nature. It is to be practised with its purity. These theories are to be established by our modern scientific knowledge. Our Association is working with this aspiration for its glorious future.

Some activities of AAI.
Book Publication
AAI publishes books.
Training Session
Assembles practicing acupuncturists
Journal publication
Scientific Conferences
Spread of Acupuncture
Regular Get togethar
Clinico strives to provide a high standard
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